Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

56 ιδέες για να στολίσετε το σπίτι σας με λαμπάκια τα Χριστούγεννα και όχι μόνο...(Γ ΜΕΡΟΣ)

38. Cut up streamers to make these fringe lights.

Get the directions here.

39. Use foil cupcake liners as light embellishments.

This is a great idea for any holiday party.

40. Tie ribbons between lights.

41. Make the sparkliest backdrop ever with mirrors and lights.

Get the directions here.

42. Use twigs to make this rustic chandelier.

43. Make a strand of Himmeli lights.

44. Make a Hula-Hoop chandelier using icicle lights.

Get the tutorial here.

45. Fill a plastic bin with string lights to make a light table.

Great for a children’s playroom. Get more information here.

46. Make Halloween luminaria by filling milk jugs with lights.

47. My fairy light mason jars!

48. Stargazer Lights

49. Hallway Ideas to Steal

50. Kids Room Ideas

51. Christmas Home Tour Part 2: Rustic Christmas

52. Fairy Light Crafts

53. DIY Lamp: Branch with Chain of Lights


54. 12 constellation projects, products, and pretties that bring the night sky inside

55. Fairy Light Tent

56. Lights around Chandelier

Via PopSugar

 πηγή: http://www.architecturendesign.net

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